Trips and Outings
Here at the Murray-Calloway County Senior Citizens Center we offer a variety of opportunities throughout the year to participate in trips and outings. The trips and outings change monthly, so check our newsletter or here on the website each month to see what is planned! The Happy Hatters (Red Hatters) women's group goes on a monthly lunch outing. The JULIETS (Join Us Ladies In Eating Together) are a group of women that just like to visit different restaurants! Also, the BOYS CLUB, goes on a monthly outing. For more information about the Happy Hatters and JULIETS or the ROMEO's please visit their webpages by following the links. All trips and outings at MCCSCC have pre-registration to ensure the maximum number of seniors the opportunity to attend. To register please see the Services Director, sign up on the appropriate list posted outside the Services Director's office, or call the Center for assistance at (270)753-0929.
See the latest Newsletter for all the trip details!
See the latest Newsletter for all the trip details!